Because so much has gone on in my life in the past couple of months i decided to post it in one post instead of three or four. My life is perfect! Except for a couple bumps in the road.
-First bump is my husbands family. I love his cousins and stuff but it seams to be the adults in the family like his aunts and uncles that seem to have a problem with me. His mom is a twin and she has two other sisters that are another set of twins. I basically call them the nice twins and the evil twins. For some reason his mom (one of the evils) and her sister absolutely hate me and I have no idea what i did for them to feel that way about me. His mom chooses to hang out with my husbands ex wife over her own son and sees her every other weekend when she has Sarina (my step daughter) but she never calls us or wants to do anything with my husband and I. I kid you not people I have only met his mother a totally of 3 times and we are coming up on a year since we have been together....3 times!! Talk about an absent mother huh? Anyways I'm kinda glad that we dont have what i call a "second family" because honestly there are some crazy women on that side. I'm grateful that my family has a big enough hart that they can love us and my kids so that they dont need a second family. For the longest time it would make me so mad that they never want to get to know me or my daughter or that his own mother chooses to hang out with his ex instead f us but I have come to realize that its probably for the best. I dont want my kids to grow up with examples like his mom. She has been married 4 times and divorced 3. Her last husband killed himself because she had left him and was basically playing mind games with him. Her 2nd husband who Jack calls dad is the best and its sad that he is no longer with us. He died the day after our wedding from cancer. and her 4th husband (the current one) she up and decided 3 days before our wedding that she wanted to marry him....For all of you out there i think you can put together what kind of woman she is. Anyways my point is i dont want my kids around someone like that. Someone who is constantly negative and has nothing nice to say about anyone and someone who is showing kids that "hey when your bored or something goes wrong with your marriage you leave him and find anther".....I wouldn't be giving her the mother of the year award. So thats my "family drama" great huh?!
-second thing that has happened with my second "family" is the evil twins (his mother and her sister) and there daughter Erin, ex wife and Sarina somehow got a hold of my wedding pictures (go figure the ex has to check them out) and the whole time they were making comments like "wow she looks really ugly right there" and "she looks evil in that one" and my favorite "she looks like she is possessed or something I can see evil coming out of her threw the pics".....ok come on really? Your saying all this in front of a 12 year old girl? It was just stupid...oh and did i mention that when i first met jacks mom she asks me if i have seen what his ex looks like and if i ever wanted to....of course my answer is no.....hello are you retarded??? get this...she pulls out Jack and his exs wedding album and starts showing me their wedding pictures....CRAZY!!!!! I'm telling you this lady needs help or something! Who in their right mind wants to see there soon to be husbands wedding photos to his ex? Really? oh and she took extra long on the photos where they are kissing at the alter......
-and lastly the biggest problem in my life is kids. I went to the Dr. asking for a birth control that i would only use for a couple of months. I went in there not knowing what kinds there were or what were even the side effects. I explained to her i only wanted something for a couple of months and I'm very forgetful with pills and if there was anything else...she started telling me about the Depo shot and how you just go in every 3 months and get a shot and your good to go. To me that sounded great because there is no way i could forget to get a shot every 3 months....well after my 2nd shot i stopped getting them and we started trying. Well we were having a tough time and i finally started reading up on the thing and there is one little itty bitty thing the Dr. forgot to tell me...that it basically kills everything inside you and it could take up to 3 years for you to even have kids.....thats great....NOT! What kind of Dr. gives a 18 year old girl the Depo shot when i said i only wanted something for a couple of months! I was so devastated that this was happening to me....i did i not want to wait for 3 years to even have another we heard about this Dr. who specializes in fertility and we have been seeing him and getting things checked out so that we can hopefully jump start the proses. Its not like i dont have 3 years its just that when i want something i wanted it yesterday and for me its not happening....So I'm telling everyone out there to NEVER EVER EVER EVER GO ON THE DEPO SHOT IF YOU EVERY WANT KIDS IN YOUR FUTURE!!!!